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Posted by Adele Werner on April 28, 2021 at 12:00 PM


The first week of warmer weather always boosts my mood. I lived 22 years of my life in Michigan so when the first sign of t-shirt weather comes around, I’m outside. Cabin fever is a real thing. Spring weather, the coming warmth of summer, budding on the trees, the boost in mood, looking toward the end of a long season of loneliness, reminds me that God is making all things new through Christ. It makes me grateful and thankful.

Whenever I am coming out of a harder time, I find it helpful to focus on the newness of the day, week, month, or season. Let’s look to God’s Word as we soak in the newness of today.

Isaiah 43:19

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

This verse has been on my mind as my husband and I are on the verge of Call Day. I need to be continually reminded me that I am not forging the way blindly, that God already has ordered my steps (Psalm 119:133) and I follow after Him. He makes the way. In this verse, we can reflect on the fact that Jesus was the new thing. That no longer would God’s people have the same paths to atonement or sacrifice, but that God would do all that was necessary for total atonement and sacrifice. What new things is He doing through Jesus now? How is He leading you in new ways?

Revelation 21:5

“And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’”

As Christians, we can trust that the God will keep His promise. In the Book of Revelation we see God’s promise to restore peace and righteousness for all eternity. Imagine total peace. Right now, I totally understand that I cannot even perceive that type of peace and rightness in the world. But it’s what we all desire. We desire for every little thing to be right, but when selfish desires overlap that’s impossible. We cannot do this ourselves. We have to rely on the perfect, holy, and righteous Savior to do that for us. And He has and He will. Where in your life do you see God making all things new? Where in your life do you need Christ to intervene?

Lamentations 3:22-23

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Each morning is a new opportunity to reflect on God’s work in your life. Each and every day, your slate is wiped clean by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. As we look at our lives from the perspective of victory on the cross, we can know that God is faithful to His promise. That His mercy will not run out. That no matter how far we may feel from Him, He is with us. I encourage you to memorize these two verses. Repeat them each morning. Great is His faithfulness.

Romans 6:4

“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”

Martin Luther famously stated: “When you wash your face, remember your baptism.” In baptism, we know that we are His. So, each morning, when we feel water on our face, we can remember that we walk in newness of life. But what does that look like? What does it mean that we’ve already been buried in death by baptism? The Lutheran Study Bible says this about this verse, “As Jesus was covered by the earth in His burial, we are buried in baptismal water… We are united in Christ’s death and burial so that we will be united to His resurrection and life.” If you aren’t baptized or are unsure about the Lutheran theology of baptism, speak with a local pastor. They want you to know and trust the gift of baptism. As we walk in the newness of life in Christ, we are no longer weighed down by guilt of sin or burdens of this world. And when we feel like we are, we can look to our baptism and know we are made new in God’s act of water and washing.

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Adele Werner

Written by Adele Werner

Adele Werner is a pastor’s wife, a mother, a third-generation Yooper, and a former content marketing specialist for Concordia Publishing House. Devoted to Jesus, she has a passion for serving others and sharing the Gospel. She is an alumna of the University of Michigan, where she majored in media and communication studies, minored in writing, and served in multiple ministries. As an avid consumer and creator of all content, she can often be found watching movies categorized as “Oscar bait,” listening to podcasts, or reading a good book.