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Posted by Megan Pellock on August 8, 2019 at 11:02 AM

Vacation Bible School is always an exciting time for kids as they gather together for a week of worship, God’s Word, and homemade snacks.

However, VBS can be stressful for adults. It can be hard to find volunteers or even general interest in attending.

A team of volunteers from Alaska Mission for Christ and Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School of Saginaw, Michigan, traveled to Moravian Church in Goodnews Bay to help with VBS for the children and families of this outpost town. Lori Milroy and her fellow volunteers were able to share with the children materials provided by Concordia Gospel Outreach.

CGO collects donations throughout the year for children's literature. They sent coloring books and other resources to Goodnews Bay for a week full of good news!

Lori and her volunteers used the coloring books with the children during snack time. The Bibles and prayer books they distributed were also a big hit—the children were very excited when they found out they could to take them home to keep. The children also decorated cloth bags to put all their new books in to take home with them.

Lori and her team prepared short skits with themes to get the kids engaged.The kids loved watching them tell stories with a puppet provided by CGO. And it wasn't just for the kids—eight women attended Bible study with Deb Burma’s book, Living a Chocolate Life, which was also provided by CGO.

With the help of the volunteers and materials provided by Concordia Gospel Outreach, 45 kids attended VBS. For some of these children, this may have been the first time they were exposed to God; for others, it might be the only time they hear about Jesus during the year. And for others, it was a wonderful week of bonding with their Savior.

It is fitting to know that Goodnews Bay received the Good News of Jesus Christ. With the help of generous donors to Concordia Gospel Outreach, children and adults all around the world can hear about Jesus through books and can learn about all the great things He has in store for them.

Alaska Mission for Christ is an LCMS organization with 45 mission teams throughout the state--Goodnews Bay team being one of the teams. To learn more, visit their website.

You can help us send more Bibles and resources to others around the globe.

Your donation will help CGO send Bible-based literature to individuals and organizations that are striving to connect people with the Gospel.


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Children's Outreach VBS

Megan Pellock

Written by Megan Pellock

Megan Pellock is from Edwardsville, Illinois. She is a senior public relations major at Illinois State University. Megan has been a volunteer at her church’s VBS as well as a child actor in VBS videos. She is formerly an intern for Concordia Publishing House in the Public Relations department.