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Deb Burma

Deb Burma

Deb is an author, speaker, and youth ministry volunteer at Peace Lutheran Church in Columbus, Nebraska, where her husband, Cory, serves as pastor.

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"I Will Treasure This Forever"—Youth Mission Team Shares God's Word in Cormorant, Manitoba, Canada

Posted by Deb Burma on September 13, 2016 at 2:08 PM

“I will treasure this forever,” said nine-year-old Simon, as he clutched his new Faith Alive Bible. Simon lives in the remote village of Cormorant in Manitoba, Canada. He and his friends, along with the other children in this isolated community, wait anxiously for the return of a VBS youth mission team who arrive every summer from Peace Lutheran Church in Columbus, Nebraska. For eleven years, this team of ten to twelve high school youth and a handful of adults has worked with LAMP-Canada to bring the saving love of Jesus Christ to the children in Cormorant.

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Mission Trip US and Canada